Is Water Wet?

guys, walking around the hall of DPMS, many conversations are about this topic: is water wet?

google says: Water isn’t wet by itself, but it makes other materials wet when it sticks to the surface of them. but another page on google says: Water is wet, in the sense of being a liquid which flows easily, because its viscosity is low, which is because its molecules are rather loosely joined together.

since google confused me, is asked my BPFF, Ally.

me: is water wet?

Ally: um yea.

me: can you elaborate?

ally: um despite many forms water can be wet in all of them.*coughs*, if you touch ice, it ca be wet. -hehehehe- *coughing noises*

me: anythings else you would like to add?

ally: umm, if you feel water vapor, it gets your hand wet, and if you touch water, your hand is wet.

take my poll so i can know what you think!

coming up next, does ally have covid?

ally: *coughs*


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